Friday, July 31, 2009

6 things what makes me happy

i've been tagged by neng sara so i think i'm gonna do it...
there is some certain rules : "tag and link back the person tagged you. and tell them 6 things makes you happy, then tag 6 blogger. Let them know they're tagged" -- but... i'm too lazy to tag anyone, so just tag your self darls...!

so here it is, 6 things that make me happy...
(urrrrrmmm... actually this is kinda hard to figure out....)

1. bunch of books to read, movies to watch, music to listen --great books, great movies, great music will had a chance to make my day...

2. makan enak -- gue hidup untuk makan, bukan makan untuk hidup!

3. sleep -- buat gue tidur itu esensial abiss nyeng! kalo tidur, ngga inget masalah apapun, bangun tidur inget masalah, jadi tidur lagi ajalah...

4. spend quality time with si abang - either cuma ngobrol, trivia quiz tolol, ato apapun

5. nulis - as i told you before, writing is make me feel like i'm in my happy place, my lala land

6. rejects -- love them so much!!!!


Original Layout By Yummy Lolly Layout Modification and Header Design By Reigina Tjahaya